Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My "WHY'

  Becoming a beachbody coach has been an amazing decision for me , I am on an AMAZING team/family called The Bombshell Dynasty with some of the most amazing people I have ever met in my life.  On becoming a coach you need to figure out your "why".  The reason you became a coach, what pushes you each and everyday to be the best you can be not only for yourself but for your coaches and your customers.

  The  number one "why" for me wasn't hard to figure out, Before starting p90x self image and confidence weren't always very good for me.  I have always struggled with my self confidence and seeing the positive in myself, I have always focused on the negative.  My "why" for becoming a coach is I dont want anyone to feel the way I did  before p90x about themselves, I want them to be alot more positive like i have become, I also want them to have the support I did/do to push themselves harder  than they ever thought they could.  Become that person they want to be and look in the mirror and say wow with a big smile on there face and say I did it.  People don't know how hard they can push themselves, most people give up because it gets to hard and I want to be that person who says no you can push yourself harder you can do this, times get tough but you push through and become stronger from it.  I want to be that shoulder someone can lean on when the times are tough not only to say you can do it but to listen.  You dont understand how much some people just want you to listen to them and to be that one person who doesnt judge them.  I want to be that person.

  I have learned over the years of being a hairdresser that some people just need that one person who will listen when they are having a tough day, week, or even month, ive also learned it makes them feel so much better when they can vent/complain/or cry and know there not being judged for a mistake made or even something they said.

Another reason is of course financial freedom, this isnt my number one priority but it is definately a added plus for being that person to help another, make them smile :), and be a motivator.

  I want to close by saying in this last month of becoming a coach I feel like I have become a more positive person not only with myself but in life in general.  It is an amazing feeling to know that there are so many people like me out there, that want to help and have struggled but keep a positive spin on most everything they do.. In the words of Mr Tony Horton "Do your best and forget the rest"   

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