Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Anyone interested in becoming part of Team Bombshell Dynasty

Our team is having a special INVITE ONLY online Business Opportunity meeting Tomorrow at 8:30PM EST to explain the coaching opportunity Beachbody offers & how you can become a coach on our team. Save 25% off your BB purchases & earn income while you get in shape! If you have been curious about coaching & want to attend, message me! :)

My "WHY'

  Becoming a beachbody coach has been an amazing decision for me , I am on an AMAZING team/family called The Bombshell Dynasty with some of the most amazing people I have ever met in my life.  On becoming a coach you need to figure out your "why".  The reason you became a coach, what pushes you each and everyday to be the best you can be not only for yourself but for your coaches and your customers.

  The  number one "why" for me wasn't hard to figure out, Before starting p90x self image and confidence weren't always very good for me.  I have always struggled with my self confidence and seeing the positive in myself, I have always focused on the negative.  My "why" for becoming a coach is I dont want anyone to feel the way I did  before p90x about themselves, I want them to be alot more positive like i have become, I also want them to have the support I did/do to push themselves harder  than they ever thought they could.  Become that person they want to be and look in the mirror and say wow with a big smile on there face and say I did it.  People don't know how hard they can push themselves, most people give up because it gets to hard and I want to be that person who says no you can push yourself harder you can do this, times get tough but you push through and become stronger from it.  I want to be that shoulder someone can lean on when the times are tough not only to say you can do it but to listen.  You dont understand how much some people just want you to listen to them and to be that one person who doesnt judge them.  I want to be that person.

  I have learned over the years of being a hairdresser that some people just need that one person who will listen when they are having a tough day, week, or even month, ive also learned it makes them feel so much better when they can vent/complain/or cry and know there not being judged for a mistake made or even something they said.

Another reason is of course financial freedom, this isnt my number one priority but it is definately a added plus for being that person to help another, make them smile :), and be a motivator.

  I want to close by saying in this last month of becoming a coach I feel like I have become a more positive person not only with myself but in life in general.  It is an amazing feeling to know that there are so many people like me out there, that want to help and have struggled but keep a positive spin on most everything they do.. In the words of Mr Tony Horton "Do your best and forget the rest"   

Sunday, April 10, 2011

8 Ways to Burn More Fat, Faster

So you think you know the drill on getting a good body. But we're not after good; we're after great.
Rule #1: Be an early bird to get the workout.
Lace up first thing and you'll increase your odds of exercising today threefold. A study of 500 people at the Mollen Clinic, a preventive medicine and wellness center in Scottsdale, Arizona, found that 75 percent of those who worked out in the morning did so regularly, compared with just half the afternoon exercisers and a quarter of the post-work crowd. "At the beginning of the day, you have the fewest excuses for skipping exercise," says clinic founder Arthur Mollen, DO. Not waking up early enough, of course, is the main one. "Limit using the snooze button to only five minutes so that you don't fall into a deep sleep again," Dr. Mollen advises. Bonus! You'll go to work feeling focused: A recent study at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign found that 20 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise improved concentration, reading comprehension, and cognitive function.
Rule #2: Hit the metal before the pedal.
Instead of going from zero to 60 to sweat off the calories, consider this: Doing a quick sculpting routine pre-cardio could increase the amount of fat you melt. Exercisers in a study at the University of Tokyo who biked within 20 minutes of lifting weights tapped more of their fat stores than those who rested longer or didn't tone at all.
The firm-then-burn order is also good for your heart: Arteries stiffen during resistance training, increasing blood pressure, but a cardio chaser such as a 20-minute run counteracts these effects and expedites your arteries' return to normal, explains Rohit Arora, MD, chairman of cardiology at the Chicago Medical School. Plus, strength training "takes coordination and good technique, so you get more out of it if you come to it fresh," says Kent Adams, PhD, director of the Exercise Physiology Lab at California State University, Monterey Bay. "Meanwhile, cardio is a rhythmic, low-skill activity that's the easier of the two to do in a fatigued state," Adams says.
Rule #3: Push your pace, rev your metabolism.
Finished toning and ready to get sweaty? Gun it a bit for a bigger afterburn. "High-intensity exercise increases the release of growth hormones, which mobilize fat to be used as fuel, plus it causes your metabolism to stay elevated about 10 to 15 percent above its baseline, so you're burning more fat for several hours post-workout," says Arthur Weltman, PhD, director of the Exercise Physiology Laboratory at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. In other words, if you worked off 300 calories during your session, you'll get a bonus burn of about 45 calories even after you've toweled off.
To net the effect, stick to a speed you consider challenging: In a 16-week study that Weltman conducted with obese women, those who worked out at what they felt was high intensity (a brisk walk or jog in most cases) three days a week and at low intensity for two whittled an inch and a half more from their waists than the low-intensity-only group. Or try alternating between sprinting (racewalking, pedaling fast, swimming at top speed) for one minute and slowing down enough to recover for the next minute.
Rule #4: Give up your seat to trim your bottom line.
Even regular exercisers could benefit from extra toning of their tush, the largest muscle group in the body, which dozes all day at your desk job. "When you're walking or running, it's your hamstrings, hip flexors, and calf muscles that get the most work," says FITNESS advisory board member Vonda Wright, MD, an orthopedic surgeon at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. "Unless you're going uphill, your glutes don't play a major role." The good news? If you bailed on doing those butt-firming squats during your workout, you can easily sneak them in when your cube mate isn't looking. Stand up from your chair, feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your bottom to the seat as though you're going to sit, touch down, and then spring up, squeezing your glutes as you straighten. Do three sets of 10 to 15 reps two or even three times throughout the day

Rule #5: Take a power walk to beat a midday slump.

Call it the 20-20 rule: As little as 20 minutes of low-intensity aerobic activity such as walking can give you a 20 percent surge in energy, research at the University of Georgia in Athens finds. "It's paradoxical: Many people assume that they'll get tired from exercise. But the opposite actually happens," says study author Patrick O'Connor, PhD, a professor of kinesiology. "We're not certain what the biological mechanism is," he says, "but indirect evidence suggests that brain chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin are altered and cause the improved energy." Besides, that quick recharge just burned about 75 calories. Sure beats adding 250 spike-then-slump calories' worth of Skittles.
Rule #6: Do the two-step.
When you opt for the stairs, go at them two at a time -- as long as you're not wearing heels. The quick bursts of power activate your legs' fast-twitch muscle fibers, which burn more calories than slow-twitch fibers. Plus, you'll be using a part of your muscles that commonly doesn't get enough action. "Fast muscle cells are designed so you can jump far, kick hard, punch fast -- moves that you call on less and less in modern society," says Scott Mazzetti, PhD, a professor of exercise science at Salisbury University in Maryland. "But unfortunately it's a use-them-or-lose-them situation, so it's good to activate them regularly."
Rule #7: Go like Gumby.
Consistent stretching significantly decreases muscle soreness, according to a study at the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for Health Services in Oslo. Skipped your stretches postexercise? Wind down with this 17-minute allover loosener from Jennifer Huberty, PhD, an exercise physiologist at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

  • Warm up first with 5 minutes of brisk high-knee marching.
  • Toe-reach stretch (targets hamstrings, which remain shortened all day as you're seated): Sit on the floor with your left leg straight in front of you, knee slightly bent, right leg bent out to the side and resting on the floor. Reach for your toes without bouncing and hold for 30 seconds; relax. Do 3 stretches, then switch legs and repeat.
  • Hip-flexor stretch (targets hips, which also are tight in desk jockeys): Lie faceup on the floor with your left leg bent, left foot flat, and bend your right knee out to the side so your right ankle is crossed over and resting on the lower left thigh. Grasp your left thigh with both hands and pull it toward you until you feel a comfortable stretch in your right hip, glutes, and outer thigh. Hold for 30 seconds; switch legs and repeat. Do 3 stretches per side.
  • Side stretch (targets upper back and waistline): Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Raise arms overhead and interlock fingers with palms facing up. Keeping your middle centered, hinge at the waist to the right; hold for 30 seconds. Return to center and reach up; hold for 30 seconds.
  • Switch sides; repeat. Do 3 stretches on each side.

Rule #8: Set out your sneakers.
A recent FITNESS poll found that sneakers -- with sports bras being a close second -- are the piece of gear that is forgotten most often, foiling women's workout plans. Clear that obstacle by, well, making them an obstacle in front of the door you exit in the a.m., suggests Diane Klein, PhD, chair of exercise and sports sciences at Tennessee Wesleyan College in Athens. "Seeing them will remind you that you planned to exercise," Klein says. For motivation to move, kicks are worth a thousand words.
Originally published in FITNESS magazine, November/December 2009.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

5 Ways to Get to Your Fitness Goals

Name a dream goal that you're passionate aboutDream goals define the ultimate achievement. The key to setting a goal is to find something you're passionate about. The passion you feel for your ultimate goal is the foundation that will give you the drive and commitment to stay on your journey.

Set realistic and challenging confidence-builder goalsOnce you have a dream goal, it's time to work backwards to determine the steps necessary to reach that goal. These steps determine the roadmap that ensures you stay on the right route. Confidence-builder goals provide the opportunity to see and recognize steady progress.

Focus on the processInstead of concentrating only on results, try setting process-oriented goals. With weight loss, you can focus on outcome (losing five pounds, for instance) or process (such as making better decisions about food). Achieving process-oriented goals increases the likelihood of reaching your outcome goals because they focus on the steps needed to get you there.

Know the difference between a setback and derailment A setback is a temporary detour from your planned route, such as a week when you don't stick to your regular exercise regimen. A derailment occurs when you abandon your goals completely because you think you've gone too far off track. Setbacks happen. The trick is to recognize a setback before it escalates into a full-scale derailment.

Recognize and celebrate your accomplishments When you reach a goal, take credit for the work you've done. Don't just shrug it off for the sake of being humble. Be proud! Now turn your attention to the next goal, aiming for the day when you can again celebrate for completing another step toward your dream goal.

*Article is from Chris Carmichael  an author as well as founder and chairman of Carmichael Training Systems

Monday, April 4, 2011

No Bake Peanut Butter Shakeology Balls

While on the internet one day I came across this amazing recipe on Chalene Johnson's facebook page for no bake peanut butter shakeology balls.  Let me tell you I am so glad I decided to make them because they were really yummy.  Here is the recipe and everything you need to know about making them.

8 Tablespoons PB2(low fat, high protein powdered peanut butter)

3 Tablespoons Natural peanut butter (w/flax seeds is the best)

1/2 Cut Shakeology protein powder

3 Tablespoons Raw Honey

1/2 Cup Quick Oats


Mix the PB2 with water until it's a paste like consistency.  Mix all ingredients, including the PB2 mixture together in a mixing bowl.  It may take some time to blend all of the ingredients together.  If its to sticky, sprinkle in additional protein powder so that its a pretty dry/crumbly texture.

Next you will roll the mixture into small individual balls (about a ping-pong size) and place on a wax sheet or a paper plate like I did.  Makes about 12 balls, 1 ounce each.  Put in freezer until firm.

Nutrition Information for these are as follows

Calories: 80

For those of you who dont know what PB2 is a powdered peanut butter with 1.5 grams of fat, and no additives. This can be purchased on

I have never used any other protein powder to make these so I am not sure how they would taste.

Also If you are interested in any information and/or to purchase shakeology you can do that at

Saturday, April 2, 2011

10 Best Metabolism-Hyping Tips

While going through my "The eat-clean diet book" I came across these extremely amazing tips for speeding up your metabolism.  I wanted to share because like me im always looking to learn more and more about health and fitness. If you dont have this book def pick it up, also has some amazing recipes. Enjoy

1. Water Water Water. Hydrate yourself with water to encourage optimal bodily function and speed up the metabolism.

2. Eat a palm sized seriving of protein along with complex carbohydrates every two to three hours. That means six meals a day, not three squares.

3. Burn fat efficiently by adding essential fatty acids like flaxseed and unsaturated oils to the diet.

4. Fiber fills you up, sustaining you for longer than foods without it.  Certain foods like flaxsee, wheat germ, and bran stimulate lazy bowels.

5. Vitamins and minerals complement a clean diet, protecting against deficiencies and boosting the immune system.

6. Dont go past the point of hunger.  Skipping meals triggers a starvation response in the metabolism, making it slow down.  Eating clean foods frequently sustains a highly charged metabolic rate.

7. Each meal should include four- or five-ounce portion of  lean protein from chicken, turkey, egg whites, pork tenderloin or white fish sources.

8. Suger is white posion, sending the metabolism into a slow tailspin.  All simple sugars - refined sugars- must be avoided to keep the metabolism burning quickly.

9. Complex carbohydrates from fruits and vegitables satisfy the needs of an active body.  Each meals should include generous servings.

10. Certain foods have a high glycemic index.  This means they induce a similar negative effect on metabolism to eating sugar.  Rice cakes, carrots, potatoes, and fruit juices have a high glycemic index and should be consumed in moderation.